A nice triplet of interesting unrelated items displaying the banal beauty of progress outside of the limelight...

... but even more than that, thank you for *not* including the purported milestone in fusion power research at DOE. It's not as dubious as cryptocurrency, but it's about as constructive towards the improvement of the human condition.

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Thank you!

More than a quarter century ago, I had good friends who were involved in the "cold fusion" "breakthrough" at the U of Utah. My reaction then was: Big, if true. I think the "if true" and "when it becomes practical" caveats are crucial ones in this field, as you very well understand.

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What a joy to see Beck’s work highlighted here -- we were fellow j-school undergrads at UNC. Her work is phenomenal, can’t wait to watch that video.

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Thank you. It is a relief (and a public service) to know that the next generation of technology-sophisticated scholars like her are working on these crucial public issues.

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