This may seem too partisan for this high minded discussion, but it seems to me that there is a significant proportion of the political class that would find instruction in critical thinking or civics, even in a most general sense, to be unwelcome subjects. At least they would suspect that such subjects are stalking horses for libruls. F…
This may seem too partisan for this high minded discussion, but it seems to me that there is a significant proportion of the political class that would find instruction in critical thinking or civics, even in a most general sense, to be unwelcome subjects. At least they would suspect that such subjects are stalking horses for libruls. Frankly, many years ago when the back to basics drive was getting started (late 1970s?) it struck me as an attempt to dumb down pre-college curriculum. Add to that the "taxpayer revolts" that drained resources from public schools, and the drive to have what resources that remained channeled to other forms of instruction, we ended up with nothing but readin', writin' and 'rithmatic. And there are influential people of a certain ilk who are quite happy with that.
You are right that critical thinking is opposed by many on the right. Back in the 90s my son’s history teacher told me she got a lot of grief from them for teaching critical thinking. At parents’ meetings she always made a point of explaining that she wasn’t teaching kids to be cynical, just to be skeptical and fact-check what they read or heard. That did not pacify the right wingers because they believe that kids should not question what their parents or church told them.
Many of these parents were members of Pat Robertson’s Christian Coalition, an organization that was teaching members nationwide to pressure schools by protesting curriculum, books, etc. They even trained people to run for school boards as “stealth candidates” using “educational excellence” as their platform, then pushing for a right wing “Christian” agenda if elected. Unfortunately my school district fell for that con and elected two of them to our board. They disrupted school board meetings with their demands for eliminating the teaching of evolution, attacking sex education, banning certain books, etc. The next election they both got defeated by large margins but not before they did a lot of damage.
I no longer live there but that town — Hudson, Ohio — is still fighting off the far right.
Also, is there a button for "Like all comments and like reading the comments section from the enlightened readership here"
Our local schools are being attacked daily by the Tea Party types who want to roll back to 1800 or 1600 or caveman.
As Tom Nichols points out, these are the affluent, middle types who are so bored with their lives that they have to interfere with the right workings of government, for their own petty or stupid ideas. (see Tom Nichols, The Death of Expertise)
As Our Towns points out, US Libraries, not the Teacher's Union, are able to hold the line. They are the ones offering the liberal choice, often at great cost.
But this is America: still the best idea on the planet since 4000 BC :)
Just imagine if Our Towns, nonprofit Libraries, Common Cause, or the thousands of nonprofits holding the line against the idocracy disappeared. That is the effect that nonprofits have on America so everyone should considering sending at least $5 or $25 to their favorite cause. Even small donations make a huge difference. Nonprofit Times points out that it is the most effective way to help our world since there are already millions around the world working in ngo's to make life better. They need the resources that all the world is now spending on useless military conflct.
"Here's to our hopeless cause," the toast of refuseniks and Soviet Jews facing prison in the old Soviet Union. There's no reason to give in or up on the great idea that is America.
As we write, 13 billion $ that could have gone to America's needy schools in poor communities, for raising up America's kids: it is off to buy more stuff for the useless military conflict, the endless wars that humans think are so important, throughout time. How we are wasting our planetary resources in the profitable arms race that keeps corrupt leaders in power.
Be optimistic however: our college student optimism in the 1960's and 1970's brought down the corrupt presidency and ended a war. Let's see the kids do that ;)
Our young people, though, are amazing. They are the hope for the world. Elect Greta Thunberg President of the World and we will have a true leader to plan for the world's next million years ....
"...this is the lesson: never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never-in nothing, great or small, large or petty — never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. " Winston Churchill
"The era of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays is coming to its close. In its place we are entering a period of consequences."
This may seem too partisan for this high minded discussion, but it seems to me that there is a significant proportion of the political class that would find instruction in critical thinking or civics, even in a most general sense, to be unwelcome subjects. At least they would suspect that such subjects are stalking horses for libruls. Frankly, many years ago when the back to basics drive was getting started (late 1970s?) it struck me as an attempt to dumb down pre-college curriculum. Add to that the "taxpayer revolts" that drained resources from public schools, and the drive to have what resources that remained channeled to other forms of instruction, we ended up with nothing but readin', writin' and 'rithmatic. And there are influential people of a certain ilk who are quite happy with that.
You are right that critical thinking is opposed by many on the right. Back in the 90s my son’s history teacher told me she got a lot of grief from them for teaching critical thinking. At parents’ meetings she always made a point of explaining that she wasn’t teaching kids to be cynical, just to be skeptical and fact-check what they read or heard. That did not pacify the right wingers because they believe that kids should not question what their parents or church told them.
Many of these parents were members of Pat Robertson’s Christian Coalition, an organization that was teaching members nationwide to pressure schools by protesting curriculum, books, etc. They even trained people to run for school boards as “stealth candidates” using “educational excellence” as their platform, then pushing for a right wing “Christian” agenda if elected. Unfortunately my school district fell for that con and elected two of them to our board. They disrupted school board meetings with their demands for eliminating the teaching of evolution, attacking sex education, banning certain books, etc. The next election they both got defeated by large margins but not before they did a lot of damage.
I no longer live there but that town — Hudson, Ohio — is still fighting off the far right.
Also, is there a button for "Like all comments and like reading the comments section from the enlightened readership here"
Our local schools are being attacked daily by the Tea Party types who want to roll back to 1800 or 1600 or caveman.
As Tom Nichols points out, these are the affluent, middle types who are so bored with their lives that they have to interfere with the right workings of government, for their own petty or stupid ideas. (see Tom Nichols, The Death of Expertise)
As Our Towns points out, US Libraries, not the Teacher's Union, are able to hold the line. They are the ones offering the liberal choice, often at great cost.
But this is America: still the best idea on the planet since 4000 BC :)
Just imagine if Our Towns, nonprofit Libraries, Common Cause, or the thousands of nonprofits holding the line against the idocracy disappeared. That is the effect that nonprofits have on America so everyone should considering sending at least $5 or $25 to their favorite cause. Even small donations make a huge difference. Nonprofit Times points out that it is the most effective way to help our world since there are already millions around the world working in ngo's to make life better. They need the resources that all the world is now spending on useless military conflct.
"Here's to our hopeless cause," the toast of refuseniks and Soviet Jews facing prison in the old Soviet Union. There's no reason to give in or up on the great idea that is America.
As we write, 13 billion $ that could have gone to America's needy schools in poor communities, for raising up America's kids: it is off to buy more stuff for the useless military conflict, the endless wars that humans think are so important, throughout time. How we are wasting our planetary resources in the profitable arms race that keeps corrupt leaders in power.
Be optimistic however: our college student optimism in the 1960's and 1970's brought down the corrupt presidency and ended a war. Let's see the kids do that ;)
Our young people, though, are amazing. They are the hope for the world. Elect Greta Thunberg President of the World and we will have a true leader to plan for the world's next million years ....
"...this is the lesson: never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never-in nothing, great or small, large or petty — never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. " Winston Churchill
"The era of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays is coming to its close. In its place we are entering a period of consequences."
-- Winston Churchill, Nov. 12, 1936